Sunday, January 14, 2007

New beginnings

So I always find myself holding somewhat of an opinion about almost everything in general however something I have found myself extremely close to is the wonderful sport of paintball. Now as you have probably figured out by the name of the page I play scenario paintball, this is not to be mistaken with woods ball which I classify as speedball in the woods. I keep talking to many individuals who seem to have the two confused so I would like to start off from the start and say there is a difference. Scenario paintball has been slowly coming back over the past few years mostly with the Special Ops Paintball ( revolution, yet the problem I see with this site is while they do have articles and tips on paintball they often only write suggesting how you need their products to have success in a scenario game. Don’t get me wrong I love special ops paintball they have brought a lot to the table for scenario paintball yet I always want something more. I often find myself at looking at gear and trying to find someone who wants to have an intelligent discussion on paintball fields, equipment, or even paint its self yet for every good comment or discussion I enter another twenty “flames” are guaranteed. The actual amount of information for a beginning scenario player is very limited and to sift through the amount of garbage that is out there consumes time. A dad who wants to look at playing paintball with his kids doesn’t want to see a post called “Paintball for Beginners” and than search through hundreds of posts that say “Come to my field and I will light you up n00b!” So after posting my own, comments, posts, and reviews on various sites I thought about how I could give back to the paintball community. After various discussions with my Uncle George he suggested that if I was having such a problem voicing my opinions on the forums why not make my own blog where I could post the link and share my ideas with others. I decided what a fabulous idea and here we are.

If you have managed to make it this far let me say a few things. I am not by any means a paintball guru, there are many people who have been playing the game longer than I have and know more about general paintball. If these people would like to post on this site and share their knowledge please email me and I would love to have you share you opinions. Yet I am also going to be drawing from my own unique staff, my Uncle George and Cousin Phillip. Hopefully if you re-visit this site, and read our articles you can find information, resources, and articles to make you think. With all of this in mind let us start writing and see where we go from here!

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