Friday, March 23, 2007

SVM 3/11/06 - Game day Tactics

The tactics that I used were not to complex. I'm mainly going to talk about the ones I used first half as for reasons I don't want to get into or discuss. My team, nor myself was not bringing their A game. Anyways I split my team into two main groups at first to make two large pushes. I had half the team go to the cotton club and the other half of the team move along the right side of the field to try to attack the bootlegger. I knew that If we could secure the bootlegger and the cotton club right off the bat we could earn some fast easy points.

Once the team had the cotton club under control I told them to advance along the left tape line and try to bottle-neck capone's forces. I figured that naturally they would retreat and try to hold king of the hill giving my team the tactical advantage. Since paintballers are drawn to fire fights if I had a big one going on over there players who should be going to defend the bootleggers and their base were drawn to king of the hill.

The other fire team was supposed to move along the right line past the jail and to the bootleggers. At the first part of the game they got held up yet eventually managed to break through. After I got them over into the field they managed to capture the non-defended red fort and hold it with resistance the whole game. 3 kids held it till the last 45 minutes and than one kid held it for the last 30.

With about an hour and 30 minutes in the game one of the dirty cops tried to hold me hostage but we point blanked him and told him he could have half my money if he killed capone... he did and than stayed on my team for the rest of the game. I think I lucked out and he wanted to be on my team anyways so he really didn't care.

With about an hour left in the game we held all of the objectives on the field and they ended up re-spawning at the big dead zone. They eventually pushed tommy-z out of the cotton club and got up the hills to the pines. I Kept sending re-enforcements where they were needed and with 20 minutes left in the game I called back all the VIPs to my head quarters and told my right side attack team to move into the base while having the guys on the left stop the advancement from the cotton club.

We ended up keeping all the objectives but the cotton club at the end of the first half.

If I had to say the most important things in my strategy...

1. Knowing the field in advance
2. Keeping in contact ONLY with my VIPs
3. When people came back to the base I would ask them whats going on in the field, and where they died so I could know where to send them.

Yet there were a few non-traditional methods I used.

1. Motivation - with walk on’s you need to try your best to keep everyone happy and wanting to work for you.
2. Encouragement - I was giving away free paint and telling people they were doing a good job.
3. Feedback - I made sure to ask everyone what they thought was the best plan of action so they knew that they were important to me, and that made them more willing to work for me.

Any questions? The first half the score was something like 5000 to 600.

Longer Barrels Shoot Further - Mini post


I just wanted to post a quick statement as many people like to debate this topic. Yet it is not a long enough topic to make a whole post on. Mini Topics will be short, sweet, and NOT posted on the forums so if you want to read and comment on them you will have to come here!

Longer Barrels shoot further, period. I know we have all seen videos and read opinions of people who would beg to disagree but all of these tests lack one thing, scientific logic. Now I can go and shoot a 10 inch barrel and compare it to a 14 inch barrel and say they shoot roughly the same distance. Of course I could also look at two water bottles one filled with water and the other with ethanol and they look roughly the same. Here is where things get a little tricky according to the laws of physics with the same parameters if two objects of similar mass leave a point at the same speed and height they will travel the same distance. So if you were to move one of those objects four inches further ahead of object number one and have them keep the same speed and height the object that was moved will travel four inches further. Now, will it take a greater force to propel the paintball, yes but it will shoot at least four inches further.

SVM 3/11/06 Master Plan - You asked here it is!

Intro: As some of you may know whenever I play a big game I always end up being a general, no matter how many times I say no, or tell people I don't want to I guess since I'm trying to become the best officer I can be I just end up leading the battle for experiance in leadership. I have been asked by a few people what my general plan was but here is a top-secret e-mail sent to my vice commander in the days before the game.

Note: Some sections were deleted for various reasons, mostly personal topics or issues.

(intro deleted)

Ok so onto the important details, this weekend. I am sure lately you have been thinking about karate and work but I’d like to bring up some things about the game and how I would like to play. Just because you are my vice does not mean I want you to accept everything, I am pretty sure you already know that. So please tell me what you think about the plan. I am going to divide it into 4 separate sections. General Plan, Fire Team 1, Fire Team 2 and us.


General Plan

Our first objective is to keep all VIPs alive. Right now me and you are the only ones worth points and thus its more important we stay alive. The other two VIPs will be sent out on the field towards their missions but will not be in the front line.

Fire Team 1 – Tommy Z (sharpshooter)

Fire Team 2 – Kyle B (phone tapper)

I want to split the team up into two parts to accomplish the objectives. I am assuming that each VIP will be required for each mission, one each half. So if Fire Team One’s VIP has the first mission he will be in the center scenario (death trap) area trying to accomplish it while Fire Team 2 will hold off speedball hill (the cotton club). Depending on if we accomplish missions and time of the match we might move more troops from one area to the other. I do not include defense as part of my general plan as the team in the center scenario will have to make sure no one gets past them to accomplish their objectives. NO ONE can flank us from directly behind in the pines, people will try but I will be ready to shoot them so we are out own defense. We need to make sure who ever is leading the fire team knows that they need to keep them moving on the scenario field and that stopping = death.

Fire Team 1 – with objective

I cannot make a plan up for this fire team yet… why? I have no idea what Tommy Z is supposed to shoot. Probably someone at king of the hill or the spools which will be a bitch to get to. I’m going to plan that we are supposed to take one of the two with him.

Red Dot – Our Base

Red Line – First move

Green Dots – Primary Defensive positions

Purple – Fire team splits up and moves across the creek

Yellow – if spools is objective keep moving.

Below is the improved map I made and gave out to officers on game day.

Fire team one will make their way to the scenario field hopefully setting up half the team on defense in the woods in the middle. After defense is set up the defense should spread until they have most of the field covered. One green dots are in place they should swing over the creek in two separate locations. They are going to have trouble because the right purple dot needs to focus more on not getting flanked from the spools or the forest area while the left dot moves up the hill. If the objective was at king of the hill I say we take it than move on to the spools and hopefully onto their fort for a general kill. As the players trying to kill the general die we make sure to send some of them to the Cotton club but the majority of them to kill the general, unless time is almost over than we let them run loose.

Fire Team 2 – With Objective

The plan for this team can be set in stone for the most part as they have all but told me that one of the objectives is going to be the radar station. This objective is going to be very hard to get for a few reasons. You know where it is on the field and can be defended super easy and also be shot at from their dead box. I’m not going to do a map for this one cause basically we just need to do the same thing, but instead of swinging to the spools swing into the radar station from the woods. It is less important to have a super plan for this one cause really we just want to send the party up the center as strong as possible. With leaving the other team at the cotton club. We want the line to swing far enough not to get flanked but focus strong on the left, however if they exploit this line we’ll be in trouble. Hopefully our guys can walk back to the dead box and get back out there before they get to close to us.

Our Plan

So right now our idea was to set up in the fort and hold it. You will be facing the majority of the field and I was going to face the back flank. We might want to think about this more cause I’m really not sure. Since the front has a higher chance of getting attacked speed would come in handy. However our objective will never be to kill them as much as hold them off till we can get support. It would also be very easy for us to switch sides quickly so I don’t think this will be to big of a problem. We will stick both the Phillips out at that one location to help guard the jail and if they hear us shooting hopefully they can turn around and shoot at people shooting us in the front.

Some things I would think about. How much paint do we want to bring with us? Your gun is a gas hog and so is mine. I’m brining up two tanks so I can probably get 2000+ paintballs out if need be, more than enough. Your gun is what concerns me, while its accurate and reliable as hell it’s a gas hog. When we are in a situation where we are buying for time BPS is the answer. We need to shoot a ton, if for nothing else to sound scary. I’m planning on using my new gun which can throw down the paint and so can yours. Keeping this in mind how much paint are we going to want to buy? I figure If I buy a case, and you buy a case that should be enough to fill up four people. I would consider getting a third so we can put it in the fort with us just in case we somehow go through our pods. I’m assuming your going to carry 4 on your, and I’ll have at least 6. So if we have pods on the floor that should be enough. If Phillip has 6 for him and Phillip that’s about 2500 in pods. If we buy to much paint we can always use it next weekend or PBJ so I would air on the side of caution. Also If we are going to assault at the end we need to be ready to bunker down.

So I would just say our main plan is if we get attacked…. BPS for time.

Remember to make sure that your hoppers have fresh batteries and that your guns are shooting before you come. So keeping that in mind anything you would like to add?

